Friday, May 30, 2008

Well, I cannot figure out how to do the photos on the posts. this really belongs after the concert post, but I couldn't figure it out, and I am too tired to keep trying. get what you get. At least I've got some photos and some explanation. just not in order.

As the kids were getting ready for the concert, I was finishing up a haircut and catching up with an old friend, in town for a few days. Needless to say, I wasn't paying much attention. We'd done this many times, I figured the kids knew the drill. Elijah comes in with jeans and a tee shirt. I tell him he needs nice clothes, so he adds the button up shirt. I tell him nice pants, so he puts on slightly nicer jeans. I didn't notice until we were in the car, on our way.
And, then I notice Kaleb. In carhartt's....The tee shirt is part of the uniform. I ask him about them, and he says the band director only said, 'NO JEANS!" so, carhartts are okay? well, to him they were. I told them they were an embarrassment...I should have noticed earlier. Luckily we live in redneckville, and they weren't the worst dressed kids there.

Now, Kas did me proud. She did her proper amount of primping, and looked cute. But, I couldn't get a real smile out of her. not sure what that is all about.

They all did a great job. and I got them back for embarrassing me with their casual clothes, by making them stand against the wall with each other and their instruments! That's what moms are for. right?

1 comment:

LeaAnne said...

You gotta LOVE the kids!
Girls, thank heavens they like to dress up.(ok some of them like

Sam would wear the same outfit EVERYDAY if I let him..


Fun family time!