Wednesday, February 15, 2012

February so far!

Valentine's Day gave me a chance to reflect a bit on how blessed I truly am!  I have an awesome husband, kids I adore, a huge family that I love.  and many friends.  I think my greatest 'love' gift is my knowledge of a loving Heavenly Father and Savior! who can pick up all the matter where we are on the LoVe spectrum! 
My goal was to do better on blogging, so here is my attempt.  I have had a heck of a time with pics, and even posting.  I am not sure what is up, so I hope this isn't too crazy odd looking once all is said and done!
 Jeremy and the fire dept had some ff training  this month where they learned new techniques.  The following morning one of the local businesses had a fire, and the fd were able to use their newly learned training, and saved a popular business.  It was awesome.  Jeremy wasn't able to fight the fire, since we had mud scheduled that morning.  We were still proud of the fd for doing such a great job!

The boys made it to State Wrestling!  We are soo excited for them!  For Districts, Kaleb got 1st 
@ 152 lbs, and  Elijah got 2nd @ 126 lbs.  At Regionals, both Kaleb and Elijah got 2nd!  So, tradition at NBHS for State Participants, is a bleach job!  Guess what we did for FHE?!! 
My friend bought this hair dryer for me she found at a thrift shop.  Prob a few years came in very handy that night.  Kaleb had a few people, presumably girls, tell him they would kill him if he bleached his red hair...which of course made it all the funner!  ;)  
It is a pretty shocking look!  They have scared me a few times.  Kaleb's hair is still a little brassy which is driving me crazy but, he thinks is part of the look he it's staying that way!  at least until after state!

 The boys have worked hard, and it has paid off.  Kaleb's goal this year was that he would not be pinned.  I think he got pinned once, maybe twice, but that was much better than previous years.  He won quite a bit more than he lost.  and Just had a great season.  Elijah went out with a bang.  He is a natural, but a freshman coming in is always difficult.  I think he had to learn how to lose a bit, and not let things get to his head, but He's heading to State as a he obviously had a great season! 
 There are soo many things about wrestling that I love.  We have great coaches.  Sometimes, I don't appreciate the calls of the refs, but they do care about the boys.  Many times they have come up to congratulate, or tell the boys something they can do better.  I love that!  The boys have a sense of comraderie among each other, and become friends off the mat, help each other up, cheer each other on, etc.  And, getting to know the other parents in the stands, and hanging out all day...just to see our own kids wrestling maybe for a few minutes total!  I am glad it is almost over, cause it really takes over a big part of our lives, but will miss it!  I am not going to be able to go to State to cheer the boys on, cause Jeremy has a test in Idaho, and I feel the need to head that way!  I feel bad, but expect to be able to go next year!  

The snowy owls have descended on our beaches.  We went for a walk to see them. 

 Got a glimpse of a few...had a pic that I just accidently deleted.  I am having a heck of a time with this post...I have probably deleted 4-5 pics so far already!  and am afraid to try and re-add them and mess things up more!  But, just as interesting as the owls, were all the fancy cameras out there!  and the people.  The beach they are at is one of my favorites in the area, but it isn't usually so popular, but there are tons of people out there now.  I guess we have people from all over the country just to get a shot of these owls.  I am not sure why they are so rare...
 We went on Mom and Dad's 47th anniversary!  which is quite a feat now adays!  
Anyways, in a few days we shall have some great news...did Jeremy pass (of course he did) and how the boys did at State!  
Life is good.  We are crazy-busy...which is pretty typical....and very blessed!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

2011 recap

Well, It has been too long since I have been on here.  And looking at most of my blog list, probably hardly anyone noticed.  I have spent the last few weeks trying to decide if I was going to continue.  I am hoping that our lives have settled down a bit, and I can get back into the habit of posting regularly...mostly for the purpose of recording our family history....journaling...and if anyone is interested, they can continue to follow. 

2011 was quite a year for us.  Good, Bad and Ugly...that is for sure. 
Jeremy's schooling...3 months away from home and countless hours at the Fire Dept...and unfortunately many, many more hours than we anticipated....even worst case scenario.  BUT...he finally got his calls completed this week!  so, we can move on to the next phase...
Lori's Breast Cancer ordeal.  took pretty much all of 2011!  she had one final (hopefully) surgery last week.  Fortunately, she seems to be cancer free...we hope she stays that way.
Her cancer prompted me to finally get my first mammogram at 45...well, probably 44.  which turned out fine. 
When Jeremy came home from Idaho, he brought a friend, classmate...Sam, with his dog, Ottis.  They ended up living with us for about 7 months off and on, sometimes his wife would come and stay.  They were in the process of relocating and finally moved up here in November.  We love them, and really enjoyed having them with us. 
We also had some other friends live with us, while they were in the process of relocating and finding a job.  They were a family of 5.  They mostly slept in the Motorhome and shared the house, kitchen, so they wouldn't go stircrazy in there.  They were with us for about 3-4 months.  It went amazingly well, I think we all felt amazingly blessed through the whole ordeal.  They expected to be here only a week or so tops, but life didn't work out that way.  They had little ones 4 and 6, which was a joy to have around again...and a teen daughter whom Kas LoVeD!!! 
About the same time everyone moved out, we found out the house of our dreams was for sale, and we actually had a shot of getting it.  We were able to move in on Nov 12.  My birthday present.  :)  I painted all day for my birthday.  Everyone was super I bought myself a pie, and we basically ate it on the fly...but it was still an incredible birthday.  I was moving into a dream house that would be ours!!!It is a big, beautiful house, with a big shop, and 10 acres.  We are in heaven...pretty much. 
We felt very humbled, awed, blessed.  It has been truly amazing.  I think we have experienced enough in life to know that we can't take anything for, our amazement still continues... 
Business is still going.  I don't think we could live off our construction income if we had to, but it is definitely a nice supplement.  We feel totally blessed in that as well, because many businesses are going under.  At first it was out of towners, which was good, but then some of our friends started going under, especially ones who were hard workers with mad skills....people we care about...and it didn't seem so great.  We have had to take more jobs that we normally would have turned down, when construction was booming, but such is life.  It will be interesting to see what 2012 brings.  Will things continue to go down, or gradually start picking up???  we shall see. 
2011 was a big year for our kids!  Kasidee entered Jr High this year, and turned 13 at the end of the year...which put us into a new era....of a family of teens!  All of my kids being out of Elementary School was a weird thing.. it had me freaked out for a bit.  My daughter going into 'the big school' also was a little hard to take.  But, we are moving forward...and adjusting to this new phase.  Elijah is taking drivers ed...and will get his license.  and Kaleb officially started dating in 2011! 
We also have a new dog, Jack.  He's a male boxer about 4 years old...I think.  Great dog.  pretty much.
I almost forgot 2 things.
My parents and Amber are here for the winter.  Our house has somewhat of a mother in law apartment attached, so they are staying there.  They have been helping out a bunch with updating the house and outbuildings, and stuff.  They have been a great help, and good to have around. 

and....Almost my whole Simpson family came for Christmas.  It was soo great having everyone here, and we really missed those who couldn't come.  I hate living away from everyone. 

Well, I think that is the highlights.  We feel very blessed, and are grateful that the hard things, have worked themselves out, and the blessings have been incredible.  I forgot to mention, football, karate/mma, baseball, basketball, wrestling....we are busy, busy, busy..and very proud parents.  They guys have also been working on kayaking (thanks to Sam) and surfing. 

It will be interesting to see what 2012 has in store for us.  Hopefully, Jeremy will get his paramedic, and still have a job by the end of the year, and we will have done a bunch more to our place.  I know we can count on continued blessings, even along with the hardships.  But, knowing that the Lord is with us....helps us get through every situation.