They've been good friends for 3-4 years now... They both love riding. In fact years ago, we found a dirt bike for sale, Jeremy went to buy it, and Knolen's mom showed up right as J was calling to tell the guy he was interested and begged J to let her buy it. It was Knolen's birthday and what she'd already picked out for him, and she didn't know what she would do if she couldn't get it. J, the gentleman he is, relented, and let her get the bike. I remember when we told Elijah, (we didn't know knolen at the time, yet) Elijah wasn't too disappointed, he was more happy for Knolen. He liked him THAT much!
They also love to explore together. They both love the outdoors, and camping, shooting, just all the boy stuff.
Knolen has also sparked an interest in Elijah to play sports. Because of Knolen's influence, Elijah has gotten involved in basketball and baseball. Knolen's family totally set Elijah up with baseball gear so he can play. (His uncle and dad are coaches for their team.)
Knolen loves to be over here, and Elijah loves it at their house.
Anyways, a few months ago, Knolen came to church with Elijah. He showed interest, and began coming regularly. His parents even got him some nice sunday clothes. Pretty soon he started talking about his desire for baptism. He will be 12 soon, and is also very excited to become a deacon and pass the Sacrament with Elijah.
Well, yesterday he was baptized, by Jeremy. It was such a neat experience. He is such a great kid, and to see his enthusiasm, and desires are awesome. I feel very grateful that Elijah could find such a great friend.
Here he is with his mom. She told me that this day was an extra special day, because it was the birthday of his little sister, who'd passed away a few years ago. After a short conversation, I found out she would have been 8...which is a very significant year for the LDS community. 8 is the age of accountability, where children are typically baptized! What an awesome coincidence.
I just couldn't help thinking she was looking down, pleased at her brother for the steps he is making to follow Jesus? Very special day!
It will be fun watching these boys grow in the gospel together, and interesting to see if their other friends follow! I am grateful my kids love the gospel enough to share it with their friends. They are great examples for me!
What a great entry! And a great way for me to start my day! Thank you for sharing! :)
WOW! Verlee, this makes me cry.
What an amazing experience to have-- and what blessings this boy will bring to his family! Generations will be blessed by this.
You're such a great mom-- and I think nothing would be as rewarding and sweet as seeing your child sharing the gospel and making such a difference in the lives of others. :)
I wish I could give you a hug!
thanks. Elijah told me this week that he was talking to another friend on a field trip bus ride and told him about the church and Joseph Smith and all. He is on FIRE! pretty exciting!
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